As the semester comes to a close, technically so does this project. Creating [ NICE TO MEET YOU ] has been incredibly rewarding and by far my favorite project at university. This concept was something I always wanted to pursue but never seemed to find the time. Tacking a grade onto it was definitely a huge motivator, and I’m so glad I pursued this project in my final semester at UNC (*sheds single tear).

I’ve received a ton of positive feedback while making this series, so I hope to continue to pursue it in the future. I don’t know what that’ll look like yet, but I look forward to bringing more people together for a forced, but hopefully rewarding conversation.

Thank you Jemal Abdulhadi and Thoko Zimba for participating!



Alma Nyang'oro (UNC’19) has wanted to participate in an episode for some time now — and she was awesome. However, this week I had a tough time finding someone for her to interview with. Due to unforeseen circumstances, a few of the candidates were unable to make it. So, at the last minute (literally as I walked into the space to film) I hailed down Megan Lienau (UNC’22). After briefly explaining the concept of the series to her, she agreed to participate and subsequently saved my grade this week (bless you Megan). During the interview this unplanned pair ended up making a crazy connection, which leads me to believe that life works in mysterious ways, and Megan and Alma were meant to be interviewed together all along.

Hope you enjoy.